Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Physician Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay Example For Students
Physician Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay Im about to take up a position which is going to be deamed by some,if not all, as a terrible stand to take. As a matter of fact, if anyone wereto agree with me on ths subject, Id be surprsed. For you see, rather thanarguing from the postion of suicide being an unjustified and inane way todie, I shall argue the other point. That being suicide does have its merits. Before you people start screaming, hear my case out. Most peopleargue that nothing justifies the taking of someones life. Yet what makeslife so valuable? Why do people cling to it so? All we consist of is a bunchof carbon atoms, bound together to form an exoskeleton, organs, and tissue. In this light, there really is not much to life. Out of the 5 billion whoinhabit the planet, very few of them shall emerge to be true world leaders. The rest will just lead a mediocre life of work and little play. The taking of ones life can be argued from a populistic view as well. It makes little sense to preserve life in an over populated world. True, oneless person here on there will not make a large dent. Yet if everyone whoattempts or had attempted suicide were not stopped, the impact would benoticed. Another popular argument for stoppers, people who want to preventsuicide, is that nothing can be bad enough. Yet how do they know this? Theydo not have to put up with the same stuff the suicide victim does everyday. How could they possibly know what the potential suicide victim feels. Justas a severely burned victim may wish to be allowed to die in peace, thesuicide victim wishes the same. To die in peace with no argument fromothers. The argument of look at the people you will hurt also does nothold. Imidiate family members will be the only ones to suffer any great pain. Friends will go on with thier lives and in time forget about the death. Imidiate family too will forget the loss in time. Although it will take mostconsiderably longer for them than it will for friends. Finaly, the argument of suicide being selfish is hard to grasp. Selfish in whose eyes? Certainly not the eyes of the victim. To them, theyconsider it selfish of others to try and preserve their life. Again, theargument of the stoppers dont know what the victim has to go through. Theyare not the ones enduring the pain. Religious people also crop up into the debate. Catholics claim thatfor someone to committ suicide sneds their soul straight to Hell. In manyreligions, suicide is considered taboo. However why is this so? Why should itbe looked upon as disgracefull, when some religions claim death the be thereward for people after their time on earth is done. Suicide is an issue which should be examined at by all angles. Notjust from the angle that it is wrong. End of debate. Rather it should belooked at from the point of view that yes for some people, they should beallowed to die in peace.
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